Should I tell my primary care physician that I am seeing a homeopath?

Yes.  It is essential that your primary care physician be made aware of all the treatments, modalities, herbs, supplements and homeopathic medicines that you are using.

Unfortunately, the reality of health care today does not leave most physicians with adequate time to really evaluate, assess and comprehend the effects of these methods on your health.  Your primary care physician may not want to be bothered by the details of your homeopathic treatment because they are already feeling overwhelmed, busy, or simply not have enough time to spend with you.

In most cases, unless your Primary Care Physician has some training in homeopathy, they will not have any idea about the nature of the homeopathic medicine that you are receiving.

Your role might be, in their office, to act as an educator to help them understand the benefits you have achieved without the use of conventional medications.  Some physicians may take this information to heart and realize that there are other, valid, safe ways to help their patients.  A few might even choose to learn more, or even to begin the study of homeopathy.

Should I tell my primary care physician that I am seeing a homeopath?